Bridal Expo, Inc.

Bridal Expo, Inc.
Trade shows

Contact info

207 E. Ohio Street, Suite 410
Chicago, IL 60611 USA
+1 (312) 427 4325
E-mail Web Site
7 Trade Shows from Bridal Expo, Inc.
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO MARRIOTT NAPERVILLELuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle & Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Plan unknown Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott Naperville 01/19/2025
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO GEORGIOS BANQUETS ORLAND PARKLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners unknown Chicago, IL (USA) Georgios Banquets, Orland Park 02/16/2025
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO MARRIOTT HOTEL OAK BROOKLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott Oak Brook 02/23/2025
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO MARRIOTT HOTEL WAUKESHALuxury Bridal Exhibition in Wisconsin. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Waukesha, WI (USA) Marriott Hotel, Waukesha 03/09/2025
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO MARRIOTT HOTEL O'HARELuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners unknown Chicago, IL (USA) Chicago Marriott O'Hare 03/23/2025
1 day
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO ABBINGTON BANQUETS GLEN ELLYNLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Chicago, IL (USA) Abbington Banquets Glen Ellyn Aug. 2025 (?)
LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO HYATT REGENCY SCHAUMBURGLuxury Bridal Exhibition in Chicago. LUXURY BRIDAL EXPO CHICAGO features Bridal Gowns & Shops, Accessories and Fashion Jewelry, Party & Activities providers, Beauty, Lifestyle and Wellness products, Caterers, Wedding Dresses, Event Planners once a year Schaumburg, IL (USA) Hyatt Regency, Schaumburg Jan. 2026 (?)
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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