
Building Machinery
Trade Shows in Kyrgyzstan
2024 - 2025

All Trade Shows in Kyrgyzstan


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3 Trade Shows in Kyrgyzstan related to Building Machinery
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
KYRGYZCOMEXInternational Specialized Exhibition of Road Construction, Special Equipment and Components once a year Bishkek Arena of Ksapes March 2025 (?)
BISHKEK BUILDInternational Kyrgyzstan Construction Exhibition once a year Bishkek Arena of Ksapes 04/15/2025
3 days
KYRGYZBUILDTrade Show dedicated to Buildding & Interior, Heating & Ventilation, Windows, Doors and Stained-glass Windows in Kyrgyzstan once a year Bishkek Arena of Ksapes 04/15/2025
3 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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