
Trade Shows in Igualada
2024 - 2025

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Venues in Igualada

Fira d'Igualada(3) Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada(3) Recinte firal de l'Escorxador, Igualada(2)
9 Trade Shows in Igualada
Exhibition Name Cycle Venue Date
FIRANOAIAIgualada Multisectorial Fair. The great economic showcase of the Anoia region once a year Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada 09/20/2024
3 days
TASTA'MTasta’m is an original gastronomic fair that combines tastings and music in the context of cultural events in Igualada once a year Recinte firal de l'Escorxador, Igualada 09/20/2024
2 days
FIRA D'ARTESANIACraft Fair of Igualada. You will find all kinds of local products made in an artisanal way, from food to fashion accessories or clothes twice a year Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada 09/21/2024
2 days
MERCAT MENSUAL D’ANTIGUITATS, COL·LECCIONISME, ART I ARTESANIA.The meeting point for all lovers of art and craft, antiques and collecting (coins, postcards, 'xapes de cava', records... ) making sales, purchases and exchange once a year Fira d'Igualada 09/29/2024
1 day
FIRA DE NADAL DE IGUALADAThe 'Fira de Nadal' is a craft market for Christmas products. Every year it is held in the old town of Igualada, the first three weekends of December. Typical food products, decoration products, gifts... once a year ? Dec. 2024 (?)
FIRA DE REISThe Fira de Reis is one of the oldest Catalan fairs. About 250 exhibitors + a hundred antique dealers once a year Passeig Verdaguer, Igualada 01/06/2025
1 day
AUTOMERCATOne of the major second-hand car fairs in the Catalan country once a year Fira d'Igualada April 2025 (?)
DEGUSTANOIATrade fair dedicated to food and catering professionals in the Anoia region. The main objective is to promote local products and to generate synergies between exhibitors and professional visitors once a year Recinte firal de l'Escorxador, Igualada April 2025 (?)
LA MOSTRA D'IGUALADATheater Fair for Children and Youth once a year Fira d'Igualada 04/03/2025
4 days
Please note ! All dates are subject to changes. Contact organizers for more information before making arrangements.
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