Trade Shows in Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot
2024 - 2025

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Contact info

Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot
2, place de la Porte Maillot
75583 Paris Cedex 17 France
+33 (0)1 40 68 22 22
+33 (0)1 40 68 27 40
E-mail Web Site


13 Trade Shows in Palais des Congrès de Paris Porte Maillot (Paris)
Exhibition Name Cycle Date
LE SALON DES MICRO-ENTREPRISESMeeting for independents, franchise candidates, creators and managers of VSEs once a year 09/23/2024
2 days
LE PRINTEMPS DES ETUDESAnnual Gathering of Communications, Marketing, Market Research & Polls professionals once a year 09/26/2024
2 days
JOURNEES FRANÇAISES DE RADIOLOGIEFrench Radiology Congress once a year 10/04/2024
4 days
LES JOURNÉES ANNUELLES DES HYDROCARBURES (ANNUAL DAYS OF HYDROCARBON)Great gathering bringing together national & international petrol companies, producing countries representatives, research firms, service companies, suppliers of equipment, technical experts & representatives of the French & European Governments once a year 10/16/2024
2 days
PARIS AUDIO VIDEO SHOWThe most important event dedicated to High Fidelity and Home Cinema in France. For professionals and enthusiasts of audiovisual technology once a year 10/26/2024
2 days
GREENTECH FORUMGreenTech Forum is the professional event dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint of digital technology. For a responsible digital strategy within your organization once a year 11/05/2024
2 days
JOURNÉES DE L'INNOVATION EN BIOLOGIEAnnual meeting of Clinical Biology. The JIB combines an expanding exhibition with a top level scientific biomedical congress. For Liberal and hospital biologists, internship students, researchers, laboratories technicians and secretaries… once a year 11/07/2024
2 days
JOURNÉES DE L'ORTHODONTIEParis Orthodontics Congress. This scientific congress allows all professions linked to orthodontics to come together for a moment of exchange and conviviality once a year 11/08/2024
3 days
ADF CONGRESInternational Dental Technology Show. Products and Equipment for the Dental Operator and Laboratory once a year 11/26/2024
5 days
SIDO PARISTrade show, conferences and business meetings dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) in France once a year Dec. 2024 (?)
SIMI PARISCommercial Real Estate Exhibition once a year 12/10/2024
3 days
LE SALON MASTERS ET MASTÈRES SPÉCIALISÉS, EN FRANCE ET À L'ÉTRANGER DE PARISYou’re thinking of pursuing your studies after a bac +3 and wondering what are the differences between a master, a mastère, an MSc or an MBA ? Find out more about the specific features of each of these degrees and their career opportunities once a year Jan. 2025 (?)
EUROPCRInternational Congress in Interventional Cardiology once a year 05/20/2025
4 days
Prenez garde ! Toutes les dates sont sujettes à changement. Prenez contact avec l'organisateur avant d'entreprendre tout déplacement.
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